March 5, 2014

Jerked Braised Goat

Jabberwocky Jerk Braised Goat Serves 6 3 pounds boneless cubed goat meat 1/2 pound cooked, crumbled bacon 8 Oz. Jabberwocky Sweet Jerk 2 Tbls. Olive oil Garnish: lime wedges and fresh cilantro Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Marinate goat meat in 4 Ozs. Jabberwocky Jerk sauce for up to 4 hours in refrigerator. Remove and allow to come to room temperature. In a heavy-bottomed sauté pan, heat 2 Tbls. Olive oil over medium high heat. Sear goat meat in small batches until well-browned on all sides. Mix your crumbled bacon. Add remaining jerk sauce to your marinade and bring to a simmer, cover pan, and braise in the oven for about three hours, or until goat is tender. Garnish with lime wedges and chopped fresh cilantro. Enjoy!